It has been your home for many years perhaps for decades and to you the word fault and your home must never be said under the same breath. However, if you are to sell your property at a great price you’ve got to be willing to give it that touch you didn’t think was necessary over the years. Say for instance you are selling an equestrian property. What are some of those conspicuous parts that every buyer has their eyes fixed on?

Top on the list is the barn. As much as the old adage warns us against judging a book by its cover, Truth be told we still do and thus where better to start than with the door and the windows. Best thing is that you don’t need to buy new ones unless the current ones are in a totally dilapidated state. Actually new doors should be the last option since they could considerably change the appearance of the entire barn and alter its historic significance. Check the hinges, sliding tracks, latches and what have you keeping in mind that the number one enemy for doors is heavy weights, lack of enough lubrication and extreme temperature.

Floor and roof-Concrete is the most common kind of flooring in horse stables and is thus prone to potholes and dents given that horses are very active animals. Check the drains also if there are any if there aren’t wash the floor clean in case of any ammonia build up. The roof too should be checked for any leakages as they can also ruin the floor.

Lighting– Check the electricity plug-ins and the wall sockets. Check if the entire barn is properly lit.

Feeding and watering equipments-Check if they need to be replaced.

The outward appearance – perhaps could look better with a paint touch. Then again as i stated earlier, be careful not to alter that original and very sought after historic look. Of course there are more sections that are just as important and its hence wise that you make an all round visit and seek another persons opinion. Now go ahead and mention your price confidently!


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